Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wedding dress continued

I haven't posted in nearly a week, but for good reason. We are in the middle of a family emergency. And right now I need a distraction.

I stopped at my parents' house yesterday, which is my permanent mailing address. And guess what? There was a big brown box with my name on it! The box was so crushed I could see a white dress bag peeking out. The dress bag had become totally tangled in the clear packing tape. As I was unwinding it I kept thinking to myself, this is a really small bag for my dress.

And when I finally got through plastic I found, well, see the above picture. Definately not my dress. It was the same price, different designer, different length, and different size. (MUCH different!!!) Sigh, I thought we were out of the woods on this. As soon as I feel like I can deal I'm going to call the 1-800 number. It's been a long week.

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